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Application no. and date | 11827387.9 (espacenet) (Federated) (European Patent Register), 20110920 | Patent/reg. no. and date | DK/EP 2619723, 20240814 | Publication date | 20130731 | Priority no. and date | US 890447, 20100924 | EP pub. no. and date |
EP 2619723 20130731 | Effective date | | Applicant/owner | Carefusion 303 Inc., 3750 Torrey View Court
San Diego, California 92130, US | Applicant ref. no. | | Inventor | BARNES, Erik, 640 N. Granados Avenue
Solana Beach, California 92075, US | Representative | | Opponent | | IPC Class | G06Q 10/06 (2023.01) , G16H 10/60 (2018.01) , G16H 40/40 (2018.01) , G06Q 10/10 (2023.01) | Title | AUTOMATIC ASSOCIATION OF MEDICAL ELEMENTS | Int. application no. | US2011052422 | Int. publication no. | WO2012040248 | Related patent (certificate) | | Status | Enhedspatent registreret | Pædiatrisk forlængelse | - | Udløbsdato for pædiatrisk forlængelse | - |