
Data updated 2024-09-19 00:05:00
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Application no. and date91909420.1 (espacenet)  (Federated)  (European Patent Register), 19910516
Patent/reg. no. and dateDK/EP 0483322, 19940810
Publication date19920506
Priority no. and dateDE 4015916, 19900517
EP pub. no. and date EP 0483322 19920506
Effective date
Applicant/ownerFuchs Technology AG, Chamerstrasse 50 (c/o Gestinor Services AG)
CH-6300 Zug, CH
Applicant ref. no.53105
InventorEHLE, Joachim, Spitzenbergstra e 7b
D-7606 Lautenbach, DE,
FUCHS, Gerhard, Eschigweg 1
D-7640 Kehl-Bodersweier, DE
RepresentativeBudde Schou A/S, Dronningens Tværgade 30, 1302 København K
IPC Class F27B 3/04, F27D 3/00, C21C 5/52
TitleNedsmeltningsaggregat med to ved siden af hinandenanbragte smelteovne
Int. application no.EP1991000916
Int. publication no.WO1991018120
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