
Data updated 2024-09-18 00:05:00
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Application no. and date93912990.4 (espacenet)  (Federated)  (European Patent Register), 19930615
Patent/reg. no. and dateDK/EP 0671948, 19970813
Publication date19950920
Priority no. and dateGB 9213559, 19920625, GB 9226283, 19921217, GB 9304056, 19930301
EP pub. no. and date EP 0671948 19950920
Effective date
Applicant/ownerSMITHKLINE BEECHAM BIOLOGICALS S.A., 89 rue de l'Institut
1330 Rixensart, BE
Applicant ref. no.19716 DK 1
InventorGARCON-JOHNSON, Nathalie Marie-Josephe Claude, SmithKline Beecham Biologicals (S.A.), 89, rue de l'Institut, B-1330 Rixensart , BE,
Jean-Paul PRIEELS, SmithKline Beecham Biologicals (S.A.)
89, rue de l'Institut, B-1330 Rixensart, BE,
Moncef SLAOUI, SmithKline Beecham Biologicals (S.A.)
89, rue de l'Institut, B-1330 Rixensart, BE,
Pietro PALA, SmithKline Beecham Biologicals (S.A.)
89, rue de l'Institut, B-1330 Rixensart, BE
RepresentativePlougmann Vingtoft A/S, Strandvejen 70, 2900 Hellerup
IPC Class A61K 39/00, A61K 39/39
TitleVaccinepræparat indeholdende adjuvanser
Int. application no.PCT/EP93/01524
Int. publication no.WO/9400153
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