
Data updated 2024-09-18 00:05:00
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Application no. and date95119690.6 (espacenet)  (Federated)  (European Patent Register), 19951214
Patent/reg. no. and dateDK/EP 0719795, 19980812
Publication date19960703
Priority no. and dateUS 365648, 19941229
EP pub. no. and date EP 0719795 19960703
Effective date
Applicant/ownerBASF CORPORATION, 3000 Continental Drive North
Mount Olive, New Jersey 07828-1234, US
Applicant ref. no.4603
InventorRehfuss, John W., 5900 Dunmore
West Bloomfield, Michigan 48322, US,
Taylor, Robert J., 9289 Tower Road
Michigan 48167, US,
Borst, Joseph, 15001 Farmbrock Drive
Michigan 48170, US,
St. Aubin, Donald L., 505 Sherbrooke
Commerce TownShip,
Michigan 48382, US,
Lessek, Paul, 1300 South Duck Lake Road
Michigan 48381, US
RepresentativeAWA Denmark A/S, Strandgade 56, 1401 København K, DK
IPC ClassC08F 2/44 (2006.01) , C08F 20/00 (2006.01) 
TitleFremgangsmåde til fremstilling af en carbamatfunktionel polymer
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