
Data updated 2024-09-10 00:05:01
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Application no. and date95303328.9 (espacenet)  (Federated)  (European Patent Register), 19950516
Patent/reg. no. and dateDK/EP 0683985, 20020828
Publication date19951129
Priority no. and dateGB 9410705, 19940527, GB 9412295, 19940618
EP pub. no. and date EP 0683985 19951129
Effective date
Applicant/ownerEmerald Kalama Chemical, B.V., Mijnweg 1
6167 AC Geleen, NL
Applicant ref. no.75950
Inventorvan Ooijen, Johannes A.C., Verdugt B.V., Papesteeg 91
NL-4006 WC Tiel, NL
RepresentativeCHAS. HUDE A/S, Langebrogade 3B, 1411 København K, DK
IPC Class A23K 1/16, A23K 1/175
TitleKontrol med udsendelse af ammoniak og lugt fra dyreekskrementer
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