
Data updated 2024-09-18 00:05:00
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Application no. and date98900642.4 (espacenet)  (Federated)  (European Patent Register), 19980130
Patent/reg. no. and dateDK/EP 1014892, 20030730
Publication date20000705
Priority no. and dateCH 24697, 19970205
EP pub. no. and date EP 1014892 20000705
Effective date
Applicant/ownerAssal, Mathieu, 6, avenue de la Grenade
1207 Genève, CH
Applicant ref. no.116336
InventorAssal, Mathieu, 6, avenue de la Grenade
1207 Genève, CH
RepresentativeBudde Schou A/S, Dronningens Tværgade 30, 1302 København K
IPC Class A61B 17/04, A61B 17/11, A61F 2/08
TitleIndretning til atter at få greb i en overbrudt sene
Int. application no.IB1998000121
Int. publication no.WO1998034566
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