Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen
Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriet
Helgeshøj Alle 81 2630 Tåstrup tlf.: 43 50 80 00 e-post:
Data opdateret 2024-07-26 00:05:00

Ansøgningsnr. og datoMP960228
Registreringsnr. og datoMP960228, 20080215
Reg. procedure slut
Fornyet til
Prioritetsnr. og datoUS 77269655, 20070831
Ansøger/indehaverLong Term - Short Term, Inc., 3225 Mcleod Drive, Suite 100
Las Vegas, NV 89121, US
FuldmægtigZacco Denmark A/S, Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2300 København S
Ref. nr.T80829675DK00R MHV/SJH
Indehavers mærkebenævnelse
VaremærketypeIndividuelt varemærke
Klasse (Nice)09, 16, 36, 41
Klasse (Vienna)
StatusUgyldig designering
Relateret sag
International reg. dato20080215
Gazette No.

Bestemmelser for mærkets benyttelse
Beskrivelse af mærket

09: Audio and video recordings in the field of investing and finance; audio and video recordings in the field of education related to investing and finance; audio and video recordings in the field of stock market research and analysis and education related to investments in stocks and stock options; computer software in the field of investing and finance for the purpose of stock and stock option market research and analyses; computer software in the field of investing and finance for the purpose of charting, tracking, and analyzing stock and stock option trades; computer software in the field of investing and finance for the purpose of providing education related to stock and stock option market research and analysis, and namely the simulation of stock and stock option trades.
16: Printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials in the field of financing and investing; printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials in the field of stock market research and analysis and investments in stocks and stock options; printed materials distributed in connection with financial and investment education seminars, workshops, and conferences.
36: Financial services in the field of investments, namely stock market research and stock market analysis; providing financial information, namely, stock market research information, and stock market analysis information.
41: Educational services in the field of finances and investments; educational services in the field of stock market education, research, analysis, and investments; educational services, namely, conducting classes, seminars, conferences, and workshops, providing home-study courses, and providing related online services in the field of finance, investments, stocks, stock options, and investments in stocks and stock options and providing printed course materials and online materials in connection therewith.

Ingen publiceringer fundet

Ingen pant/licens er fundet

Prioritetsland og nr.US 77269655
Ingen korrespondance er fundet

Korrespondance (21)
20180910Tilførsel (129 KB) 
20101018Kvittering for modtagelse af PVS's brev. (31 KB) 
20100830Brev til indehaver om ugyldig designering - MP (5 KB) 
20100830WIPO brev Endelig afgørelse - ugyldig (5 KB) 
20100526Afslagsbrev §13 - MP Varemærke (7 KB) 
20091006Brev til indehaver om argumentationer - MP (7 KB) 
20090826Erindring om svar (107 KB) 
20090817WIPO advis: 18 mdr forbehold (6 KB) 
20090723Search - word elements (124 KB) 
20090716Notat (5 KB) 
20090715Erindring om svar (10 KB) 
20090714Search - word elements (124 KB) 
20090704Tilførsel (23 KB) 
20081212Fuldmagt (42 KB) 
20081025Kvittering for modtagelse af PVS's brev. (50 KB) 
20080925Letter to the holder - absolut grounds (13 KB) 
20080925Provisional refusal (31 KB) 
20080825Search - company names (8 KB) 
20080825General information about searches (11 KB) 
20080825Search - word elements (71 KB) 
20080521MP designeringsdokument modtaget (41 KB) 

Ingen data fundet

Ingen posteringer er fundet